Why Switch Today
Make Texas electricity choice work for you!
When Senate Bill 7 went into effect in 2002, most Texas residential customers got the opportunity to choose their retail electric company and price plan, instead of simply being part of a regulated utility with no choice whatsoever. Since then, more and more customers have been making choices about their electricity in order to realize the benefits of lower prices and new products, but for a variety of reasons many people don’t shop, and consequently pay far too much.
Strangely, as customers have been making more choices about their electricity usage, the average price they pay for electricity has also steadily increased. In 2009, customers in the competitive zone were paying an average of about 40% more for electricity than Texans who were not part of the competitive market.[1] This gap is clear evidence of one or more problems with electric choice in Texas: information is not readily available, understanding that information is difficult and time-consuming, and customers who don’t constantly manage their options get taken advantage of.
[1] The story of ERCOT: The Grid Operator, Power Market & Prices Under Texas Electric Deregulation”, p. 84
Our Clients
Our clients are very pleased with My Best Plan’s convenient, professional service and the hundreds of dollars that they each save every year. They know that they always have the best electricity plan for their homes.
"The set-up was easy and quick!"
“My Best Plan has found me a much better electricity plan. I will spend about $3,000 this year as opposed to the $3,800 I would have spent. Even though I switched providers to save money years ago, I could have easily saved several thousand dollars more over the past five years if I had known My Best Plan.”
“I’m the kind of person who will [complain] about high electric bills, but I know I won’t do anything on my own. That’s why I like My Best Plan – I know exactly what they do for me, and I don’t have to do anything.”
“Tengo plena confianza en My Best Plan. Yo se que no hay ningun plan para electricidad mejor que el que ellos me han recomendado.”
“Thanks My Best Plan – I’m very pleased with the improvement in my recent bills!”